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October is still quite warm, so you'll want to pack shorts, or skirts and dresses for women.  You'll want a jacket or wrap for the chill of evenings, or in case of a cold spell.  Layers and comfortable and safe walking shoes are a must.


  • Passport and travel documents, including airline tickets (Most countries will not permit a traveler to enter their country unless the passport is set to expire at least six months after the final day of travel)

  • Comfortable walking shoes

  • Sweater or light jacket for layering in the evening

  • Hat for sunny days

  • Sunglasses

  • Sunblock and chap-stick

  • Personal medications and hygiene products

  • Electrical converter

  • Water bottle

  • Camera

  • Swimsuit and cover up for the beach and pool

  • Leave some room for souvenirs! 



  • Download the Google translate app - it's a very handy resource for being able to quickly translate menus, signs, conversations, etc.

  • Get Euros at your local bank so you'll have some available once you arrive in France

  • Check with your bank, as well as your credit card company, to see if they have a foreign transaction fee

  • Let your bank and credit card companies know that you will be traveling out of the country so that your funds will not be held or frozen due to unusual activity

  • Make photocopies of your passport and write down your card information and other important numbers

  • Split up your cash and only carry what is needed for the day

  • Program important phone numbers you might need such as: hotels, taxi services, etc.

  • Learn the tipping guidelines for France

  • Weather can be unpredictable, pack to layer

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